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1、陈小佳陈小佳email:xjchenwhut。bridge engineering桥 梁 工 程school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenabout this course: 关于本课程 the course concerns the bridge design and its construction本课程是研究桥梁设计和桥梁施工方法的学科the relation between the course and former courses本课程与以前所学课程的关系 :construction material 建筑材料material

2、 mechanics材料力学structural mechanics结构力学principle of structure design结构设计原理some necessary reference 必备的参考资料行业标准,公路工程技术标准(tjg b01-2003)行业标准,公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范 (tjg d62-2004)bridge engineering桥 梁 工 程bridge engrgpart ichapter 1 introductiondevelopment of the bridge engineering 桥梁的发展l evolvement of the

3、materials 材料的演变l progress on the theory 理论的发展l advancement on the technique 技术的进步school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chendevelopment of the bridge engineering - evolvement of the materials出土壁画中描述的木结构桥梁 桥梁各部分清晰可辨,结构井然有序school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenthe wood bridge preser

4、ved in china国内尚保存的木结构桥梁corridor bridge in tai shun, zhejiang 浙江泰顺廊桥 evolvement of the materials 材料的演变 school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chen古罗马时期的石桥 半圆拱的杰作。各方石材之间均为干砌,石材加工之精细,令人惊叹。evolvement of the materials 材料的演变school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chen世界著名石拱桥赵州桥(或名安济桥)历经1400年,

5、创造了多项世界奇迹evolvement of the materials 材料的演变school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenevolvement of the materials 材料的演变中国江浙一带优美的石拱桥和环境协调统一的产物school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenevolvement of the materials 材料的演变the first iron bridge in the world near telford in shropshire,built in

6、 1779school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenevolvement of the materials 材料的演变the times of high capability / performance materials高性能材料的时代steel: high strength and low relaxationconcrete : high strength and good workabilityschool of transportation, wut produced by:x j chendevelopment of the

7、 bridge engineering - progress on the theory 材料的飞速发展和应用,推动了理论的研究,使得设计理论日趋成熟。empirical design method 经验设计法allowance stress method 允许应力法 k ultimate state design method 极限状态设计法 s(rgg; rqq) rdr(rg/rg; rc/rc) school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chendevelopment of the bridge engineering - advanc

8、ement on the technique transportation / lifting capacity / setting 施工技术的发展早期体现在运输、起重和安装方面。福建漳州虎渡桥(1240年),总长340 m,最大跨的石梁长23.7m,高1.9m,就利用了潮水涨落来进行浮运架设,这是人类利用自然力量来进行桥梁施工。现在的浮吊起重能力可达14000kn,运输的方式根据不同情况,可以从陆(地)、海(水上)、空三个方面进行。 现代桥梁施工技术还体现在桥梁的施工控制方面,桥梁在施工阶段往往是最脆弱的,也就是我们常比拟为桥梁的成长期,需要特别的保护;不仅仅是安全, 还包括线形控制等。sc

9、hool of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenmodern bridgesschool of transportation, wut produced by:x j chendevelopment of the bridge engineeringlongest bridge across the sea世界第一长跨大桥日本明石大桥school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chendevelopment of the bridge engineeringwhat is bridge ?a bri

10、dge is defined as the structure that surmounts an obstacle, such as a river or declivity and is used as a passageway for pedestrian, motor or rail traffic. new encyclopedia britannia桥梁定义为跨越河流、山谷等障碍物并被用来作为行人、汽车或列车的通道的结构物。can an aqueduct be thought as a bridge? 渡槽是否为桥梁呢?obstacleby nature by human brid

11、ge over river viaductschool of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成与分类the main types of bridge structure 桥梁的主要类型lbeam bridge 梁式桥 larch bridge拱式桥lrigid-frame bridge刚架桥lcable-stayed bridge & suspension bridge 索承桥 (包括斜拉桥和悬索桥)lcombination bridg

12、e of different systems 组合体系桥school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenlbeam bridge 梁式桥 特点 :竖向荷载下无水平反力,梁只承受剪力和弯矩。school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成与分类larch bridge 拱式桥特点 :竖向荷载下有水平反力,能消除拱体部分弯矩,拱主要受压,可采用圬工或混凝土结构建造,对基础地质条件要求较

13、高。school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成与分类lrigid-frame bridge 刚架桥特点 :梁柱共同工作,桥下净空易保证,对跨线桥非常有利。school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成与分类suspension bridge 悬索桥特点 :构件受力

14、明确,塔受压(弯);索受拉;梁为弹性支撑连续梁。school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成与分类桥梁的主要类型lcable-stayed bridge 斜拉桥特点 :与吊桥类似, 梁除受弯剪外,还受压。school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成与分类按使用性质

15、分为公路桥、公铁两用桥、人行桥等。 按跨径大小和多跨总长分为小桥、中桥、大桥、特大桥。桥梁分类多孔跨径总长l(米)单孔跨径lk(米)特大桥l500l0 100大桥l100l0 40中桥30 l 10020 l0 40小桥8l305 l0 20涵洞l 8l0 5新的公路工程技术标准(jtg b01-2003) (2004-03-01实施)对特大桥和大桥重新作了界定。桥梁分类多孔跨径总长l(米)单孔跨径lk(米)特大桥l1000l0 150大桥1000l100150l0 40school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassificati

16、on of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成与分类按行车道位置分为上承式桥、中承式桥、下承式桥。 按使用年限可分为永久性桥、半永久性桥、临时桥。按材料类型分为木桥、圬工桥、钢筋砼桥、预应力桥、钢桥。 school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成与分类bridge桥桥 梁梁 superstructure上部结构上部结构 substructure下部结构下部结构 bearing 支座支座

17、accessory 附属设施附属设施 the main parts of the bridge桥梁的组成school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成桥梁的组成下部结构下部结构包括桥墩( pier )、桥台( abutment )和基础(foundation)。上部结构下部结构桩基础基础墩桥台桥梁的组成上部结构上部结构俗称桥跨结构,是跨越障碍的主要承重结构,习惯上是指支座以上跨越桥孔的结构物总称school of transpor

18、tation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成桥梁的组成bearing 支座支座(bearing)是根据设计要求允许上部结构产生一定变位的传力装置。school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成桥梁的组成 accessory 附属设施including:l桥面铺装(bridge decking)l排水设

19、施(drainage)l伸缩缝(expansion joint)l桥梁与路堤衔接处的桥头搭板(transition slab at bridge head)l锥形护坡(conical slope) l人行道(pavement)l路灯(lamp standard)l栏杆(guardrail)l缘石(kerb)school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenclassification of the bridge and its constitutes 桥梁的基本组成terminology related with bridge engineer

20、ing 桥梁的若干名词术语water lever 水位l低水位(low water lever) : 枯水季节的最低水位。l高水位(high water lever) :洪峰季节河流中的最高水位。l设计洪水位(designed flood lever): 桥梁设计中按规定的设计洪水频率计算所得的高水位。l计算水位(calculated water lever): 设计洪水位加壅水和浪高得到的水位。l通航水位(navigable water lever): 在各级航道中能保持船舶正常航行时的水位。school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chen

21、与桥梁的布置有关的术语l净跨径(clear span) l0l总跨径(total span) l0l计算跨径(computed span)l l标准跨径 (standard span) lkl桥梁全长(total length of bridge) l l桥下净空(clearance of span) h l桥面净空(clearance above bridge floor)l桥梁建筑高度(construction height of bridge) hll0lh设计 水位hschool of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenterminolog

22、y related with bridge engineering 桥梁的若干名词术语与桥梁的布置有关的术语l净矢高( clearance of rise) f0l计算矢高(computed rise) fl矢跨比( rise-span ratio)f/ll0lf0fschool of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenterminology related with bridge engineering 桥梁的若干名词术语支座垫板支座垫板 bearing platesbearing plates墩帽墩帽 pier cappier cap基础基础f

23、ootingfooting支座支座bearingbearing 墩墩 pier 桥梁的组成:下部结构及支座backschool of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenterminology related with bridge engineering 桥梁的若干名词术语桥梁的组成:下部结构桥台 abutment bridge seatbridge seat重力式桥台重力式桥台 masonry abutmentmasonry abutment轻型桥台轻型桥台 rc abutmentrc abutment翼墙翼墙 wing wallswing wa

24、lls基础基础footingfooting翼墙翼墙 wing wallswing walls背墙背墙 back wallback wall胸墙胸墙 breast wallbreast wall基础基础footingfooting台帽台帽 capcap背墙背墙 back wallback wallbackschool of transportation, wut produced by:x j chenterminology related with bridge engineering 桥梁的若干名词术语review 本章回顾n桥梁的发展n桥梁的基本组成与分类n桥梁的若干名词术语school of transportation, wut produced by:x j chen



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