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1、高考英语长难句结构分析讲解一、复杂的定语从句【例句】the scientist, whose groundbreaking research has been widely recognized, received the prestigious award last week.【翻译】这位科学家的开创性研究得到了广泛认可,他上周获得了著名奖项。【单词】scientist (n.) 科学家groundbreaking (adj.) 开创性的research (n.) 研究widely (adv.) 广泛地recognized (adj.) 被认可的prestigious (adj.) 有声望的

2、award (n.) 奖项received (v.) 获得【短语】the scientist (n.) 这位科学家groundbreaking research (n.) 开创性的研究widely recognized (adj.) 被广泛认可的received the prestigious award (v. n.) 获得了著名奖项last week (adv.) 上周【语法】定语从句“whose groundbreaking research has been widely recognized”修饰主语the scientist【句型】主从复合句,包含定语从句二、嵌套的从句【例句】

3、it is widely believed that the proposal, which was submitted by the finance department, will be approved by the board of directors, who are known for their conservative approach.【翻译】人们普遍认为,由财务部门提交的提案将会被以保守做法闻名的董事会批准。【单词】believed (v.) 被认为proposal (n.) 提案submitted (v.) 提交finance department (n.) 财务部门ap

4、proved (v.) 批准board of directors (n.) 董事会conservative (adj.) 保守的approach (n.) 方法【短语】widely believed (v.) 被广泛认为the proposal (n.) 这个提案submitted by the finance department (v. n.) 由财务部门提交approved by the board of directors (v. n.) 被董事会批准known for their conservative approach (v. n.) 因其保守的方法而闻名【语法】主语

5、从句“that the proposal will be approved”作主语,包含定语从句修饰proposal和board of directors【句型】主从复合句,包含两个定语从句三、条件句与让步句结合【例句】even if the plan had been more carefully considered, it is unlikely that it would have succeeded without the support of the key stakeholders.【翻译】即使这个计划经过了更加仔细的考虑,如果没有关键利益相关者的支持,它也不太可能成功。【单词】

6、plan (n.) 计划carefully (adv.) 仔细地considered (v.) 考虑unlikely (adj.) 不太可能的succeeded (v.) 成功support (n.) 支持stakeholders (n.) 利益相关者【短语】even if (conj.) 即使more carefully considered (v. adv.) 更加仔细地考虑it is unlikely (v. adj.) 不太可能without the support (prep. n.) 没有的支持【语法】条件从句“even if the plan had been mor

7、e carefully considered”,主句“it is unlikely that it would have succeeded”【句型】复合句,条件从句与主句结合四、多重修饰的主从复合句【例句】the project, which had been in development for over two years and was expected to revolutionize the industry, was suddenly canceled due to unforeseen financial difficulties.【翻译】这个已经开发了两年多并被期望能够彻底改

8、变行业的项目,由于不可预见的财务困难突然被取消了。【单词】project (n.) 项目development (n.) 开发revolutionize (v.) 彻底改变industry (n.) 行业canceled (v.) 取消unforeseen (adj.) 未预见的financial difficulties (n.) 财务困难【短语】in development (prep. n.) 在开发中expected to revolutionize (v. prep.) 被期望彻底改变was suddenly canceled (v. adv.) 被突然取消due to

9、unforeseen financial difficulties (prep. adj. n.) 由于不可预见的财务困难【语法】定语从句“which had been in development.was expected to revolutionize.”修饰project【句型】主从复合句,定语从句修饰主语五、被动语态中的定语从句【例句】the data that were collected during the experiment have been carefully analyzed and will be used to support the final conc

10、lusions.【翻译】在实验期间收集的数据已经被仔细分析,并将用于支持最终的结论。【单词】data (n.) 数据collected (v.) 收集experiment (n.) 实验analyzed (v.) 分析support (v.) 支持conclusions (n.) 结论【短语】that were collected (conj. v.) 被收集的during the experiment (prep. n.) 在实验期间carefully analyzed (adv. v.) 被仔细分析will be used (v. prep.) 将被使用【语法】定语从句“t

11、hat were collected during the experiment”修饰data,主句为被动语态【句型】复合句,包含定语从句和被动语态六、非谓语动词短语修饰【例句】faced with mounting pressure from both the public and the media, the company was forced to issue a statement clarifying its position on the matter.【翻译】面对来自公众和媒体日益增加的压力,公司被迫发布声明,澄清其在该问题上的立场。【单词】faced (v.) 面对mount

12、ing (adj.) 增加的,逐渐增长的pressure (n.) 压力public (n.) 公众media (n.) 媒体forced (v.) 强迫issue (v.) 发布statement (n.) 声明clarifying (v.) 澄清position (n.) 立场matter (n.) 事情【短语】faced with mounting pressure (v. adj. n.) 面对不断增加的压力from both the public and the media (prep. n.) 来自公众和媒体was forced to issue (v. v.) 被

13、迫发布clarifying its position on the matter (v. n.) 澄清其在该问题上的立场【语法】非谓语动词短语“faced with mounting pressure”作状语,主句为被动语态【句型】复合句,包含非谓语动词短语作状语七、复杂的强调结构【例句】it was the sudden change in market conditions that caused the unexpected drop in the companys stock price.【翻译】正是市场条件的突然变化导致了公司股价的意外下跌。【单词】sudden (adj.) 突

14、然的change (n.) 变化market conditions (n.) 市场状况caused (v.) 导致unexpected (adj.) 出乎意料的drop (n.) 下跌stock price (n.) 股价【短语】the sudden change in market conditions (n. prep.) 市场状况的突然变化caused the unexpected drop (v. n.) 导致了意料之外的下跌in the companys stock price (prep. n.) 在公司的股价中【语法】强调结构“it was. that.”用于强调原因

15、【句型】强调句型八、名词性从句作主语【例句】whether the new policy will be effective in reducing carbon emissions remains to be seen.【翻译】新政策在减少碳排放方面是否有效尚待观察。【单词】whether (conj.) 是否policy (n.) 政策effective (adj.) 有效的reducing (v.) 减少carbon emissions (n.) 碳排放remains (v.) 仍然seen (v.) 看到【短语】effective in reducing carbon emissions (adj. v. n.) 在减少碳排放方面有效remains to be seen (v. v.) 尚待观察【语法】主语从句“whether the new policy will be effective in reducing carbon emissions”作主语【句型】复合句,主语从句作主语九、时间状语从句与主从复合句结合【例句】by the ti



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