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1、高中英语必修一超重点单词在读后续写中的应用1.exchangegina exchanged a look with her father, and darted out.吉娜和她爸爸交换了一个眼神,然后冲了出去。(续写神态描写)jimmy and his father exchanged meaningful glances and laugh.吉米和他爸爸会意地对视了一眼,然后笑了。2.anxious adj. (anxiety n.焦虑,不安,)we couldnt contain our excitement, anxious to witness the final surprise.

2、我们兴奋不已,急于见证最后的惊喜。a look of anxiety passed across his face.他脸上闪过一丝焦虑。he looked around anxiously and saw that everyone else looked terrified,too.他焦急地看了看周围,看到其他人也都惶恐不安。3.annoyannoyed at the children for their misbehavior, she pounded the table with her fist in annoyance.她对孩子们不守规矩很生气,恼怒地用拳头捶桌子。mary shot

3、 him a look of annoyance.玛丽生气的瞪了他一眼。4.impressthe experience impressed on me that hard work will pay off one day.(读后续写主旨升华)这次经历使我意识到努力总会有回报。a thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.(读后续写主旨升华)千言万语不如一个行动。5.concentrate v. (concentration n.)concentrated on his work, he just ignor

4、ed me.专心于工作,他并没有注意到我。no one can succeed without hard work and concentration.(读后续写主旨升华)要成功必须努力和专注。6.confidenttaking a deep breath , david rose and walked to the track confidently/with confidence.大卫深吸一口气,站起身来,信心十足地走向跑道。the most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.(读后续写主旨升华)你能穿在身上最美的东西就是自信。7.cur

5、iousjane turned toward the boys, wide-eyed, curious to see what was going on.(续写情感)简转向男孩子们,睁大了眼睛,好奇地想看看发生了什么事。my curiosity got the better of me and i peeped inside.(续写情感 动作描写)我抑制不住好奇心,向里面窥视。8.flasha look of terror flashed across his face.他脸上掠过惊恐的神色。a terrible thought flashed through my mind.一个可怕的想法闪

6、过我的脑海。the countryside flashed past the train windows.乡村景色从火车窗外飞掠而过。9.challengeinspired, david determined to take up /face/meet the challenge confidently rather than doubting himself.备受鼓舞的大卫决心自信地迎接挑战,而不是怀疑自己。10.advance v.前进,促进 n.进步,发展,前进as i stepped out of the car , lucky barked madly and advanced to

7、wards me.当我下车时,lucky狂吠着向我走来。11.contentshe sat quietly, content to watch him working.她安静地坐着,心满意足地看他干活。12.attractas the helicopter flew overhead, they waved wildly, trying to attract its attention.当直升机从他们头顶飞过时,他们拼命挥手,想要引起他们的注意。13.focus“stay cool and focused!”with edwards encouraging words echoing in h

8、is mind, leo calmed down and buried himself in the questions.“保持冷静和专注!”爱德华鼓励的话语在他脑海中回荡,里欧冷静下来,埋头做题。so many eyes were focused on him, and he got extremely nervous.如此多双眼睛注视着他,他变得极其紧张。14.deal withhe stood frozen with fear, unknowing how to deal with the situation.他吓得愣在原地,不知道如何处理这个情况。15.applyafter apply

9、ing a little ointment to his hand, jeff soon applied himself to cleaning up the kitchen.(2021高考续写)杰夫在手上涂了一点药膏后,很快就专心打扫厨房。16.amazeshe stared at him in wide-eyed amazement.(读后续写神态描写)她睁大眼睛惊讶地注视着他。with a goal in mind, you will be amazed at your potential if you strive for that goal.心中有了目标,如果你努力为之奋斗,你会惊讶

10、于自己的潜力。it amazed me that he had given up the chance to get the job.让我吃惊的是,他竟然放弃了获得这份工作的机会。17.arrange(安排,筹备,布置,整理)i put the cookies on the table, arranged the handwritten letter beside them, and went home.(续写动作链)我把饼干放在桌子上,把那封手写的信放在饼干旁边,就回家了。18.recognize v. (recognition 承认,认可)a sudden smile of recogni

11、tion flashed across his face.他脸上掠过一丝笑意,表示认可对方。dont wait for a smile to be nice, and dont wait to be lonely to recognize the value of a friend.不要等到别人对你微笑你才对人友善,不要等到孤独才明白朋友的价值。(主旨升华)19.admire v. (admiration n.钦佩,赞美,羡慕)he ducked(n.鸭子,v低头,回避,躲避) his head to hide his admiration.他低下头以掩饰他的羡慕。peter held his

12、 breath in admiration of marys excellent performance.彼得屏息赞叹玛丽精彩的演出。20.requestshe approached me and made a request for some water.(动作描写)她走近我,请求给点水。21.view there was nobody in view except some sheep in the grassland.(写景)草原上看不到一个人,只能看到几只羊。on the way to the farm, attractive scenery came into view, and y

13、ou could imagine how thrilled we were.22.sightat the sight of the gift you sent me, i felt delighted and moved.看到你送给我的礼物,我既高兴又感动。harry turned and caught sight of rachel, who was grinning.哈利转过身看见了瑞秋,她在咧着嘴笑。23.determine v. (determination n.)from this experience, i learnt an important lesson that it is

14、 our efforts rather than intelligence that determine our success.24.injurei fell down the stairs and injured my back.我跌下楼梯,背部受了伤。she gently cupped the small injured bird in her hands.她双手合起轻轻捧着受伤的小鸟。he lost control of the car, crashed into the truck and got seriously injured.(续写事故主题)他的汽车失控,撞上了卡车,受了重伤

15、。he escaped with only minor injury.他逃过了这一劫,仅仅受了点轻伤。25.failurethe true failure is the failure to learn from failure.(主旨升华)真正的失败是未能从失败中吸取教训。(failure to do sth. 未能做某事(具有名词词性);fail to do sth. 未能做某事(动词词性)words fail sb. /courage fails sb. 某人无法表达自己的感受/某人鼓不起勇气。words failed the mother when she wanted to express her thanks to the twins.(2021新高考读后续写pete v (competition n.)life is like a long competition in which we compete against others to go beyond ourselves.(主旨升华)人生就像一场漫长的竞赛,我们与别人竞争以超越自己。27.pretendfrank turned away ,pretending not to s



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