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1、高中英语必修二超重点单词在读后续写中的应用1.balance n. 平衡;均匀vt. 使平衡;权衡i lost my balance and fell backwards.我没有站稳,仰面摔倒。2.likely adj. 可能的adv. 可能地it is likely that a small gesture of care will melt peoples loneliness.一个表达关爱的小小举动可能会融化人们内心的孤单。(续写主旨升华)3.limit n. 限制;限度vt. 限制;限定without friends, your world would be limited to wi

2、lderness.没有朋友,你的世界将局限于一片荒芜。(续写主旨升华)4.loss n. 丧失;损失lose vt. 丢失;丧失lost for words, i held him in my arms, stroking his hair.不知说什么好,我把他抱在怀里,抚摸着他的头发。the snowy mountaintops formed beautiful scenery, leaving us at a loss for words.白雪皑皑的山顶构成了美丽的风景,美得让我们无法用语言形容。(续写写景)5.contribute vi.& vt. 捐助;捐献;投稿contributio

3、n n. 捐款;贡献;捐赠the community service was a job worthwhile to do, something positive i could do to make contribution to the world.社区服务很值得做,是一份我能为世界做出积极贡献的工作。(2022浙江卷续写升华句)6.attempt n.&vt. 企图;试图;尝试later, the cat leapt onto the bed. not wanting cat hair on the bed, i attempted to chase her away.后来,猫跳到床上。

4、我不想床上有猫毛,就试图把她赶走。(续写人与动物)7.worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得花时间的seeing mothers smiling face, the twins both found their hard work was worth it.看到妈妈的笑脸,双胞胎发现他们的辛苦是值得的。(2021新高考卷续写)8.contrast n.& vt. 对比;对照the snow was icy and white, contrasting with the brilliant blue sky.这雪冰冷洁白,与晴朗的蓝天形成对照。in sharp contrast to h

5、er mood, the clouds were breaking up to reveal a blue sky.乌云渐渐散开,露出了蓝天,这和她的情绪形成了鲜明的对照。9.lead to 导致;通向though the path leading to the farm was narrow, we were delighted to find our way home.虽然通往农场的路很窄,但我们很高兴找到了回家的路。(浙江卷续写)10.aware adj. 知道;明白的发觉;察觉到有意识的she slipped away without him being aware of it.她悄悄

6、离开,没有让他发觉.11.concern vt. 涉及让担忧关系到;关注;关心n.u 关心;担心;忧虑what concerned me was whether david could pick himself up after falling.让我担心的是大卫是否能在摔倒后爬起来。(2022新高考卷续写)12.observe vt. 观察(到);注视;遵守;注意到;看到(生义) 庆祝;庆贺;遵守;遵奉the twins observed their father make some sandwiches closely.双胞胎仔细观察他们的父亲做三明治。(2021新高考卷续写动作描写)alt

7、hough winning was a great feeling, all of us agreed to observe the spirit of fair play.虽然获胜感觉很棒,但我们所有人都一致认为应遵循公平竞争的宗旨。(续写主旨升华)jack observed a look of anxiety on his brothers face.杰克注意到了他哥哥脸上焦急的神情。(续写神态描写)a traveller without observation is a bird without wings.没有观察力的旅行者,犹如没有翅膀的鸟。13.remind vt. 提醒;使想起r

8、eminder n. 引起回忆的事物;提醒人的事物it serves as a reminder that kindness, generous help and love will influence others and be rewarded and virtue is a reward itself.它提醒我们,善良、慷慨的帮助和爱会影响他人并得到回报,而美德本身就是一种回报。(续写主旨升华)14.intend vt.&vi. 打算;计划;想要intention n. 打算;目的;意图i froze. it would ruin our friendship to say“no”, w

9、ouldnt it? honesty came first, but i had no intention to refuse him.我愣住了,说“不”会毁了我们的友谊,不是吗?诚实第一,但我无意拒绝他。15.benefit n. 益处vt. 使受益it never occurred to him that his small act of kindness would benefit him so much.他从来没有想到这个小小的善举会让他受益良多。(续写主旨升华)16.distance n. 距离;冷淡;疏远(生义) vt. 与疏远chet sat quietly for hours

10、staring into the distance.切特静静地坐了几个小时,凝视着远方。(续写动作描写)uncle paul warned us to keep our distance from the forest which is a long distance from the farm.保罗叔叔警告我们远离离农场有些远的森林。(浙江卷续写)he firmly distanced himself from these events, making us quite shocked.他坚决撇清了和这些活动的关系,使我们大为震惊。17.upset adj. 心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的i was

11、 too upset to eat, but she sat with me, talking gently to me and wiping away my tears.我难过得不想吃,但她陪我坐着,轻声跟我说话,给我擦眼泪。18.press vt. 按;压敦促把塞入to our shock, the manager was pressed to take immediate action at the press conference.使我们震惊的是,这个经理在记者招待会上被要求立即采取行动。(续写情感描写)after i pressed the button, the lady pres

12、sed a large amount of money into my bag.我按下按钮后,那位女士把一大笔钱塞进我的包里。(续写动作描写)he pressed his nose against the window and narrowed his eyes and glanced down at the pavement.他把鼻子贴在了窗户上,眯起眼睛往下看了一眼人行道。(续写动作描写)19.belong vi. 应在(某处)适应;合得来putting the book where it belonged, the boy tiptoed out of the room as light

13、ly as possible.男孩把书放在原处,尽量轻地踮起脚尖出了房间。(续写动作细节)20.defence n.防御she stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence.她向后退了几步,显得很惊讶,并举起双手,好像在自卫。(续写动作描写)21.surround vt. 围绕;环绕;包围;围住the hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, surrounded by a high wire fence.这只饥饿的熊一路嗅着来到我们的营地,营地周围有高

14、高的铁丝网。(浙江卷续写)22.charge vt. 收费指控充电 冲锋the shop owner charged me nothing for the noodles, and i felt a wave of warmth and gratitude welling up within me店主没有收我买面条的钱,我感到一股温暖和感激之情涌上心头。(续写情感描写)he came charging into my room and demanded to know what was going on.他冲进我的房间,要求知道发生了什么事。(续写动作描写)23.amount n. 数量;数额

15、金额vi. 总计;共计相当于;等于mom patted me on the shoulder, saying seriously,“lazy people will amount to nothing in life.”妈妈拍着我的肩膀严肃地说:“懒惰的人在生活中一事无成。”(2021浙江卷续写)24.crowd n. 人群;一群人民众vt. 挤满;使拥挤vi. 涌进;蜂拥而至crowded adj. 拥挤的1)a crowd of/crowds of一大群;很多the crowd人群2)crowd in (on sb.)/crowd into sb.s mind (想法、问题等)涌上(某人)心头;涌入(某人)脑海crowd into/in涌入(某地)crowd out挤出crowd around/round挤在周围crowd sth. into .把塞进3)be crowded with挤满crowds of football fans spilled onto the field at the end of the game.



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