人教版必修三unit 2 using language 公开课终稿 共30张-金锄头文库-凯发k8网页登录

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1、revision. read the second part of the story. language study. preparation for writing. what are we going to do today? 1. 王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。 wang peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. 2.好奇心驱使他进入了里面(雍慧的雍餐馆)。 curiosity drove him inside. 3.他对此感到很吃惊,特别是对价格。 he was amazed at this and

2、 especially at the prices.4. 他不可能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。 he couldn t have yonghui getting away with telling people lies. 5. 这两家餐馆之间的竞争开始了! the competition between the two restaurants was on ! review tired of all that fat? want to lose weight? come inside yonghui s slimming restaurant. only slimming foods served

3、 here. make yourself thin again! want to feel fit and energetic? come and eat here! discounts today! our food gives you energy all day! wang peng s restaurant yong hui s restaurant strength of the diet weakness of the diet providing its customers energy-giving food make its customers thin/ slim the

4、customers become tired quickly compare the strength and weakness of wang peng s and yong hui s diet: cause the customers to be fat prediction can you guess what will happen to wang peng and yong hui? = cooperation 合作 reading on p14-15 1. 当雍慧去到王鹏的饭店时, 她感觉如何?为什么? 2. 当雍慧在王鹏的餐馆吃饭时感觉如何? 3. 在他们的谈话之后,他们发

5、现了什么? 4. 他们如何解决问题并成为好朋友的? 5. 为什么他们的合作很成功? read the text quickly and ask and answer the questions in english with your partner. task 1 role play 1. 当永辉去到王鹏的饭店时她感觉如何?为什么? 1. how did yong hui feel when she came to wang peng s restaurant? why? she felt angry because she thought wang peng had come into h

6、er restaurant to spy on her. 2.当雍慧在王鹏的餐馆吃饭时感觉如何? 2.how did yong hui feel when she had the meal in wang s restaurant? she felt sick with all that fat and heavy food, and she missed her vegetables and fruit. 3.在他们的谈话之后,他们发现了什么? 3. what did they find after their chat? they found they didn t offer balan

7、ced diets . 4. 他们如何解决问题并成为好朋友的? 4. how did they solve their problems and become good friends? they cooperated , combined their ideas and provided a balanced menu . 5. 为什么他们的合作很成功?为什么他们的合作很成功? 5. why was their cooperation a success? because their diets are balanced and they felt in love with each oth

8、er. discussion what can we learn from the passage? we can learn that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and begin afresh. task 2 post reading task 3 language points 1. she did not look happy but glared at him. look at: “看”的一般用语; glare at: 怒目而视;stare at:( 由于惊奇、羡慕或恐惧)盯着看; glance at: (迅速的

9、)一瞥; gaze at:久久地凝视 1 children should be taught not to disabled people. 2 they were frightened as they saw two unfriendly eyes them in the darkness. 3 tom his watch and then left the room quickly. 4 she the photo with her eyes full of tears. 5 please the blackboard! stare at glaring at glanced at gaz

10、ed at look at 2. and started advertising the benefits of my food. p1. benefit vt.&vi.(使)得益;n.好处 搭配: (1) benefit sb./sth. 使受益 (2) benefit from sb./sth. 得益于;从中受益 (3) be of _ to sb. ( 对某人)有益的 (4) be _ to sb. ( 对某人)有益的 联系记忆:be _ for sb. do sb. _=do _ to sb. benefit beneficial good good good (b)表达“使受害, 对

11、有坏处”有: (1)_ sb. (2)be _ to sb. (3)do sb. _=do _ to sb. (4)be _ for sb. harm harmful harm harm bad 1. 运动有益于我们的健康。 our health benefits from exercise. = exercise benefits our health. = exercise is of (great) benefit to our health. = exercise is beneficial to our health. 2.当地居民从旅游业中得到很大收益。 the local peo

12、ple benefit greatly from the tourism. 3. when they were served the ice cream ,yong hui began to look ill. p2.l2. serve vt&vi 服务, 服役, 供职,被用做,招待, 侍候, 供应, 端上, 摆出(餐食); ? try to guess its meaning: 1. serve the people heart and soul 2. serve hot coffee 3. he serves in the navy. 4. the amber room served as

13、 a small reception hall. 5. he serves in a foreign company after his graduation from the university. 服务 供应, 端上 服役 被用做 供职 搭配:combine with/and 把 与结合起来 connect with 把和- 连接起来 运用:根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。 (1)我们应当理论联系实际。 (2)我们应当劳逸(pleasure) 结合。 4. pehaps we ought to combine our ideas p3. l4. we should combine theory

14、 and /with practice. we should combine study with pleasure. combine vt. & vi. (使)联合; (使)结合n 联合体 运用: 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。 (1)应在一切方面减少开支(expense)。 (2)你的文章大长了,请删减到两百字左右。 your article is too long; please _ _ 联想:填入适当的词,完成下列短语。 (1)cut _ 切碎 (2)cut _ 切断;断绝 (3)cut _ 切去;省略;停止(做某事) (3)cut _ 插话,打断别人的话 5. in this way

15、they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal. p3 l9. cut down 削减,删节(reduce, shorten) ;砍倒(树) expenses ought to be cut down in every way. cut it down to about 200 words. up off out in combine with/and balanced diet be beneficial to/ be of benefit to cut down before long put on weight keep

16、 fit/ healthy 1.把与结合 2.平衡膳食 3.对有益 4.削减,删节 5.不久以后 6.增加体重 7.保持健康 useful expressions for discussion: 人如其食。 you are what you eat. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找我。 an apple a day keeps the doctor away. 健康是人生的第一财富。 first wealth is health. 以“how to have a healthy diet ? ”为题,写一篇120字左右的英语短文。 要点如下: 1. 人如其食,健康的饮食很重要 ; 2. 请列举我们中

17、学生存在哪些不良的饮食习惯; 3. 我们应该怎样吃才能保持健康? 联想高考:任务型写作 discussion homework finish the composition how to have a healthy diet ? ? 作文答案 as we all know, we are what we eat. therefore, it is very important for us to form healthy eating habits. however , bad eating habits are still very common among us student, suc

18、h as often going to school without breakfast, enjoying snacks, being particular about food and still eating or drinking too much. all of these bad habits will surely do harm to our health. to keep fit , we had better have meals regularly, and we should have various healthy diets, which generally inc

19、lude proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetable, fruit as well as main food. in my opinion , we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body. only in this way can we have enough energy to study better. ? 其他备用资料 wang peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very _ ( 沮丧的) because

20、 his c_ did not come to his restaurant as they always did. he felt very strange. he _ (跟随) his friend to a newly opened restaurant _ offered to make people thin in two weeks. the new restaurant was _ of customers. driven by _ (好奇心), wang peng came in to take a look at the menu. he was a_ at what he

21、saw. he hurried to the library and did some r_, trying to _ his customers back. arriving home wang peng rewrote his own sign. the _ (竞争) between the two restaurants was on! frustrated customers followed which full curiosity amazed research win competition the next day, his restaurant was full of peo

22、ple again. he did not look forward to being _ _. suddenly yong hui walked in. she _ _ him . she thought he came to her restaurant only to _ _ her and menu. wang peng invited her to try a meal in his restaurant. they _ _ the ice cream. and they had a good time. after that, they _ their menus and _ a balanced menu _ food full of energy and fibre. at last, they _ _ and lived happily. in debt glared at spy on were served combined provided with got married



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