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1、学生在写作中用错介词的情况主要有以下几类:一是多用介词:多用介词可能是受汉语意思的影响将及物动词误用作不及物动词,也可能是受相关结构的影响而用错。二是漏用介词:漏用介词可能是受汉语意思的影响将不及物动词误用作及物动词,或是受相关结构的影响的影响而用错等。三是错用介词:错用介词的情况比较复杂,可能是因受汉语意思的而错,也可能是因弄不清搭配关系而错,可能是混淆用法而错,也可能是受相关结构的影响而错,可能是忽略语境而错,也可能是想当地用错。请看以下具体实例:误用:the only people with whom he coulddiscuss aboutthe plan were those wh

2、o knew of it already.正确:the only people with whom he coulddiscussthe plan were those who knew of it already.说明:由于discuss为及物动词,后接宾语时无需用任何介词,所以误用句中的about为多余的。句意:可以同他一起讨论计划的最合适人选是那些对计划已经了解的人。误用:if youmention aboutmy name to the door-keeper he will let you in.正确:if youmentionmy name to the door-keeper h

3、e will let you in.说明:由于mention为及物动词,后接宾语时无需用任何介词,所以误用句中的about为多余的。句意:你要是对看门人提我的名字,他会放你进去的。误用:thirty thousand pounds worth of jewellery has been stolen from jonathan wild and company, the jewellers. the thieves broke into the flat above some time during sunday night andentered intothe shop by cutting

4、 a hole in the ceiling.正确:thirty thousand pounds worth of jewellery has been stolen from jonathan wild and company, the jewellers. the thieves broke into the flat above some time during sunday night andenteredthe shop by cutting a hole in the ceiling.说明:enter表示“进入”某个具体的地方时是及物动词,所以后接宾语时无需用任何介词,即误用句中的

5、about为多余的。句意:珠宝商店乔纳森威尔德公司价值三万英镑的珠宝被盗。窃贼约在星期日夜间某时潜入楼上的一套房子,然后在商店的天花板上挖洞进入商店。误用:she met and eventuallymarried witha man considerably younger than herself who claimed to be a pilot with air france. in point of fact he was a chauffeur working for a car-hire firm.正确:she met and eventuallymarrieda man con

6、siderably younger than herself who claimed to be a pilot with air france. in point of fact he was a chauffeur working for a car-hire firm.说明:动词marry可以表示“与结婚”,即其后直接跟“某人”,无需借助任何介词,即误用句中的with为多余的。句意:她遇上了一名年龄比她小得多,并自称是法国航空公司飞行员的年青人,并最终与之成婚。实际上,他只是个租车公司的司机。误用:eventually shedivorced withstephen. it was a

7、pity she had not done so earlier.正确:eventually shedivorcedstephen. it was a pity she had not done so earlier.说明:marry(结婚)与divorce(离婚)是一对反义词,比较而言,许多同学对marry的用法比较熟悉,而对divorce的用法则相对比较生疏,但事实上,两者在用法方面极为相似,大家可以将它们放在一起来学习,这样可以帮助大家利用相对熟悉的语言规律来理解相对生疏的语言规律比如,两者均可用作不及物动词,但在口语或非正式文体中,若不跟宾语,通常用be get divorced和be

8、 get married这样的结构来代替其不及物用法;要表示“与某人结婚或离婚”,英语应说marry sb或divorce sb,而不能按汉语意思说成marry with sb或divorce with sb;两者的过去分词(转化为形容词)后均可接介词to表示对象(注意均不能用介词with);marry (divorce)和get married (divorced)均为非延续性动词,通常不与一段时间连用,若要表示某人结婚(离婚)有多久,可用be married (divorced);等等。句意:她最终还是和斯蒂芬离了婚。遗憾的是,她没有和他早点儿离婚。(r2)误用:as we always

9、tell prospective patients: if you want me to help you, you must be prepared to help yourself. unbelievably this quickly eliminates about 40 percent of those whocontact withus.正确:as we always tell prospective patients: if you want me to help you, you must be prepared to help yourself. unbelievably th

10、is quickly eliminates about 40 percent of those whocontactus.说明:用作动词的contact为及物动词,表示“与联系”时,其后直接跟宾语,不用任何介词。注意不要汉语意思的影响和其名词用法的影响而在其后误加介词with。比较名词用例:he hasht been zoorking forme and i havent had that much contact with him.他并没有为我工作过,我和他没有那许多接触。句意:正如我们总是告诉那些可能成为病人的人那样,如果你们想要我帮助你们,那么你们必须要准备好帮助你们自己。与我们联系过的

11、人中有40%居然令人难以置信地没来看病了。误用:iserve formy country much as youserve foryours.正确:iservemy country much as youserveyours.说明:serve可以用作及物动词,表示“为服务”时,其后无需用介词for。句意:就像你为自己的国家服务那样,我为我自己的国家服务。误用:i think that its such an infringement of the sovereignty that weve fought for long and hard in this country overa great

12、 many ofhundreds of years really.正确:i think that its such an infringement of the sovereignty that weve fought for long and hard in this country overa great manyhundreds of years really.说明:与a lot of, a great number of等不同,a great many后接名词时,不用介词。又如:in a great many detective stories when the police are

13、baffled an amateur detective comes along and clears up the mystery.在许多侦探小说中,当警察束手无策时,来了个业余侦探,把案子给破了。不过,值得注意的是,若其后接的是代词,或是名词前带有限定词,则要用a great many of。如:a great many of them couldnt find work.他们当中有许多人找不到工作。a great many of the trees were destroyed in the storm.这次暴风雨毁了许多树。句意:我认为这是对我们主权的侵犯,而为了主权我们在这个国家中真

14、的艰苦卓绝地战斗了千百年。误用:when you are cooking its best to clear up as you go, instead of leaving everything to the end and having a terrible pile of things todeal.正确:when you are cooking its best to clear up as you go, instead of leaving everything to the end and having a terrible pile of things todeal with.

15、说明:deal表示“处理”“应对”“应付”等义时,是不及物动词,此时要后接介词with。又如:how shall we deal with this matter?这事我们怎么处理?i dont know how to deal with him.我不知怎样与他相处。句意:烹调时,最好是边干边收拾,而不要把活留到最后而剩下一大堆东西要打扫收拾。误用:undeniably, political stability and human progress in the countrydependgreater economic success.正确:undeniably, political stability and human progress in the countrydepend ongreater economic success.说明:动词depend表示“依靠”时,不及物,要表示“依靠”,应后接介词on, upon。又如:whether well go camping depends on the weather.我们是否去野营要看天气。i havent got a car, so i have to depend on the buses.我没有汽车,所以我得乘公共汽车。children depend on



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